Commercial on cleaning startup with a user experience on the level of food delivery

Start-up is a service bringing together laundries and dry cleaners, connecting them directly with end customers. It also facilitates logistics - making the user experience essentially on the level of food delivery. The whole process is convenient and easy. One of the added values of CLEANA is the influx of new customers for the suffering dry cleaning and laundry industry. We consider this, in today's covid times, to be a godly activity.
In fact, up to 80% of laundry and dry cleaning sales are generated by hotels, schools, embassies and other institutions. Although this is a service that can be used by everyone, the genius of this sector thus lies in B2B business. Therefore, there are not many advertisements on the Czech Internet that focus on laundries. This is an advantage and a disadvantage at the same time. Those who follow our work know that we like to define ourselves against established advertising trends. But how do we define ourselves against non-existence?
When we were approached by, we were a little hesitant to accept the offer. The spot was to be shot within a week of the assignment. If we were working purely as a video production company, whose task was only to shoot the video, it would not have been a problem at all. In this case, however, we needed to come up with a complete creative as well. The spot had to be humorous and engaging, it had to contain a lot of information explaining the functioning of the service, which is unparalleled in the Czech Republic, and at the same time we had to fit it into, let's say, a start-up budget. But after some hesitation we decided to accept the challenge, because as they say:
“If it was easy, everyone would do it.”
The production itself was quite punk even by our standards - we shot in a small laundry in Holešovice, in full operation. We also had relatively limited time for the production. Thanks to a well-written script, a great performance by the protagonist Michal Necpál and a bit of luck, we still managed to shoot a spot that we are proud of.
One of the things that makes us believe that the ad has been a success is the positive feedback on social media - perhaps none of our campaigns have received so many positive comments. For example, several people have written to tell us that they love watching this ad every time it “pops out at them” and in these ad-saturated times, that's almost a miracle.
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